Richard Sanders

We learnt over the weekend of the death of our friend and ex-colleague, Richard Sanders, from COVID-19 at the age of 62. With a deep understanding of Agriculture and the environment Richard studied Agriculture and Harper Adams University before turning his hand to journalism and communications specialising in Science and agriculture. He was a popular and highly thought of journalist who worked for the BBC for a decade from the late 80s, most notably on Farming Today where he was particularly well known for his work on Mad Cow Disease or BSE. Richard worked for ORC between 2004 and 2009 where he focused on our media and policy work. We all at ORC would like to extend our thoughts and condolences to Richard’s Family and many friends.

Listen to Charlotte Smith’s tribute on BBC Farming Today at the end of Saturday’s programme (from 25 minutes) 25/04/20 – Farming Today This Week

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