Organic Research Centre seeks new Chair of Council of Management

The Organic Research Centre was founded thirty years ago to work on the development of an agricultural and food system that it is equitable and fit for a world of finite and diminishing resources, an objective which becomes increasingly relevant as each year passes.

In pursuit of this aim, ORC is now the UK’s leading independent organic research centre. Its activities range from policy development and practical research on innovative farming techniques to public information and education. Both Defra and the EU award substantial research projects to ORC, which draw on the depth of expertise within the organisation and which are frequently implemented in conjunction with partners from across Europe and beyond. A partnership approach is also used for much of the “hands on” work with UK farmers.
Further details of our activities can be found on the Activities page of our website, which includes links to our published Annual Report and Corporate Plan, as well as to the 30th Anniversary special edition of our Bulletin.

The ORC’s 25 researchers, support staff and interns work at Elm Farm, a beautiful site in the heart of the Berkshire countryside as well as at Wakelyns Agroforestry in Suffolk. The property includes an impressive new conference facility. The Director operates within the guidance set by the Council of Management, which currently consists of eleven members.

Further information about the Progressive Farming Trust Ltd, which is the legal name for the charity that operates the Organic Research Centre, can be found on the Charity page of our website. The latest at present unpublished annual report can be made available on request.

The present Chair, who has been in place since the foundation of the Centre, now wishes to stand down. Applications are therefore invited for his successor.

Further details of the position and a person description can be found here. The post is not remunerated, but all reasonable expenses will be met. The appointment will be for an initial term of three years.

If you are interested in applying for this role, please send a letter setting out your interest and relevant background together with a short CV to Pam Bijak, by e-mail or by post.

Informal enquiries about the role may also be made to the Director, Nic Lampkin, or to representatives of the Trustees. Please e-mail or phone Pam Bijak on 01488 658298 to arrange for them to contact you.

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