Organic production in Wales – the future

Farming Connect and Organic Centre Wales collaborate to discuss the Future for Organic Production in Wales

Farming Connect and Organic Centre Wales (OCW) are collaborating to host three open meetings across Wales to discuss the future of organic production in Wales. Taking place in the second week of November, these meetings aim to provide producers with up to date information on the organic market and the direction of future organic policy in Wales, coinciding with the launch of the Welsh Government’s public consultation on organic support options.

These meetings follow a series of conversations with stakeholders which took place this summer with Organic Centre Wales as part of a process of reviewing future policy options. The November events will provide producers with the opportunity to hear about and debate the Welsh Government’s proposals that have resulted from this process.

Professor Nic Lampkin, Organic Research Centre said: “We are very pleased to be able to offer these open meetings across Wales, following the positive and informative responses received from producers over the summer. With the launch of the Welsh Government’s consultation on future organic support options, we’re now at a stage where producer involvement can make a real difference in determining the final shape of organic support to 2020.”

Susanne Padel from the Organic Research Centre or Finn Cottle from the Soil Association (depending on venue) will provide an update on the organic market, including recent signs of growth in demand. Nic Lampkin will provide an overview of the new CAP framework and the proposed organic policy support for Wales. The proposals will then be debated by a panel including organic farmers and growers.

The three venues are as follows;

Lunch will be provided but please book your space

For further information please contact OCW on (01970 622248) or Farming Connect on (01970 636565).

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