ORC trains European Advisors

The second course of Sustainability Training for Organic Advisors STOAS training for experienced advisors in the use of sustainability tools was held at ORC on the 3/4th of June 2013. The main aim of the course was to improve the understanding of the concept of sustainability and introduce advisors from Denmark, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and the UK to using the Public Goods Tool developed by ORC.

Participants of the STOAS workshop at ORC

Tools like the public goods tool and RISE can help review the various aspects of sustainability, and can guide towards a discussion of what practical action that farmers can take to improve the overall sustainability of their farm. The discussions on economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainability illustrated that people have different views what is most important to become more sustainable but that for most farms financial viability is an essential element of farm sustainability.

See photos on Flickr

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