New ORC podcast to celebrate 40 years of organic research

For forty years the ORC has been pushing the boundaries of research and development of practical and sustainable organic farming methods in the UK. Last month we announced a dedicated 40th anniversary page had been launched on our website where you can access our exciting programme of activity throughout 2021.

As well as detailed factsheets and research digests  being released each month via social media and our anniversary page, we also have an exciting new podcast series on the history of the ORC, current & future research, knowledge exchange and policy activity, as well as interviews with ORC staff and industry leaders.

This month’s podcast features ORC’s Head and Deputy Head of Research, Dr Will Simonson and Dr Ambro Costanzo, who discuss what impact the ORC’s research has on the industry, as well as what the team are working on at the moment and how they disseminate research outputs. This podcast and previous episodes in the 40th anniversary series can also be accessed here

Keep your eyes peeled for further Crop Diversity & Agronomy content in February to sit alongside our research digests from ORC researchers Dominc Amos and Katie Bliss, before we move onto the theme of Agroforestry in March. Our 40th anniversary page can be accessed here  and please also remember you can follow all our 40th anniversary updates on our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages.

#40rganic   #sustainableresearch    #exploreorganic   #ORC40


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