NEW – Livestock Survey

Organic-PLUS survey for mapping contentious inputs in organic livestock farming is now online

The survey developed by our Italian colleagues in the Organic-PLUS project is being sent to organic farmers across Europe. We would like to encourage responses from UK organic farmers.

The link to the survey is here

If you wish we can add a website link of your farm to the Organic-PLUS project farming partners page. This is an interesting way to learn from other organic livestock farmers across Europe.

The Organic-PLUS project seeks to identify those inputs into organic agriculture that could be regarded as contentious and to find means of phasing them out. By so doing organic food systems can approach the IFOAM principle of ‘ecology’ more closely. The EU Bio-economy agenda is also focusing on renewable resources and this combined focus on organic principles and a bio-economy may lead to more resilient and quality assured organic production systems with reduced environmental impact and fairer more reliable rules. The overall aim of the ‘Organic-PLUS project’ is to provide high-quality, trans-disciplinary, scientifically informed decision support to help all actors in the organic sector, including national and regional policy makers, to reach the next level of the organic success story in Europe.

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