Glastir Organic – new scheme

Proposed payment rates for organic producers under the new Glastir Organic scheme from 2015 have been announced by the Welsh Government, following advice from Organic Centre Wales. These payment rates are subject to approval from the European Commission.

*Certification costs will be capped at £500 per contract

Horticultural land with at least 40% horticultural crops in a rotation with temporary grassland, as well as top fruit producers, will qualify for £600/ha conversion and £400 maintenance rate. All enclosed lowland will attract £130/ha conversion and £65/ha payment rate. Rough grazing, which will include enclosed upland, sole grazed commons, grazed woodland, as well as lowland bogs and heaths will attract a standard payment of £15/ha. The total area supported under Glastir Organic will be capped at 400 ha per application.

A contribution to the certification cost will be provided as an additional payment per hectare to a maximum of £500 per contract.

The new payment system compliments the suite of Glastir components, avoiding double funding altogether. Arable rotations will be supported under Glastir Entry and Glastir Advanced where the environmental outcomes will be better realised. This system also allows maximum flexibility to the organic producer to change farming practices to reflect the organic market with limited impact on the organic payment.

Conversion support is being offered at a higher rate for enclosed land and horticulture for the first two years and then reverts to the same as the maintenance payment for the remaining three years. This is to compensate producers during the time that the product will not be organically certified and to offset additional land management costs associated with converting to organic farming. Both the conversion and maintenance contracts will be for five years.

It is planned to have full details of the Glastir Organic Scheme available at the Royal Welsh Show and the application window will be open late summer/early autumn so that contracts will commence on 1 January 2015.

See more here.

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