Feeding the World Conference success

Feeding the World Conference London, 12th November 2008 – Organised by the ORC Elm Farm A successful start to picking up the “Woolas Challenge” The QE2 Conference Centre in Westminster (November 12th 2008) saw over 130 delegates and speakers in hot debate about the failure of GM crop technology to deliver anything on the promises of twenty years ago. In stark contrast speaker after speaker pointed to agro-ecological approaches (including organic agriculture) as extremely attractive sustainable farming and food options, especially in a world fast running out of oil. “We have made a good start in picking up the Woolas Challenge, set down by the previous GM Minister at Defra, Phil Woolas, who last month told anti – GM campaigners that the UK Government considers they have just twelve months to put up or shut up about their safety, environment, food supply and social concerns,” says Lawrence Woodward, director of the Organic Research Centre – Elm Farm. “We are particularly grateful to speakers from Kenya, New Zealand, Holland and Italy who have taken time out of their own pressured schedules to deliver some excellent science arguments in a measured and convincing way. With this conference we have raised the quality of debate on why GM will not feed a hungry world and at the same time we have displayed real detail on positive, alternative approaches.” Full details of papers with some audio presentations and papers and speaker presentations will be available soon on the conference website. Conference website – www.feedingtheworldconference.org

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