European Commission extends experiment on marketing populations

The European Commission has extended the temporary experiment providing for certain derogations (to Council Directive 66/402/EEC) for the marketing of populations of the plant species wheat, barley, oats and maize.

The marketing experiment, which has enabled the marketing of the ORC Wakelyns Population was due to end in December 2018. The Commission stated that: ‘The assessment has not yet been finalised as on a number of aspects of the experiment more information needs to be collected during a longer period of time. It is therefore necessary to extend the duration of the temporary experiment.’ Six Member States, including the UK, have taken part in the temporary experiment. The Commission further stated: ‘In view of the extension of the duration of that experiment, it is appropriate to allow new Member States to start participating, at the latest on 31 December 2019.’ The experiment will be extended until 28 February 2021.

See the Commission decision in full here

See First results of EU experimentation in marketing Heterogeneous Material: presentation of case studies – Ambrogio Costanzo, The Organic Research Centre: Presentation to DIVERSIFOOD Forum, April 2018

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