Distance learning Organic Farming programme – Places available for September

There are still places available for SRUC’s part-time post-graduate distance learning programme in Organic Farming for the 2022/2023 academic year, starting early September 2022. The programme is managed from the SRUC Craibstone Campus in Aberdeen, Scotland, and has three possible exit points: PGCert after 1 year; PGDip after 2 years; MSc after 3 years of study. It is also possible to study individual modules of particular interest to you. The Organic Farming programme, run in an online format since 2002, is delivered by SRUC in partnership with the Organic Research Centre (ORC).

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Typically the entry requirement is a degree relevant to the sector, but significant industry experience will also be considered.

Current and previous students come from a range of backgrounds and include those already working in the organic sector or interested in how management techniques can be transferred to conventional systems, as well as those interested in sustainable food production or looking for a career change.  If you are interested, or know anybody who might be, please get in touch, or visit the programme website at https://www.sruc.ac.uk/courses-training/course-catalogue/organic-farming/pgdip-organic-farming/

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