CAP reform consultation workshops

You may already be aware that Defra has launched a consultation seeking views on how England should implement the next round of the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) for 2015 to 2020. This consultation will be of interest to farmers, land managers, rural businesses and those working in the rural economy or with a role in environment management. The consultation will close on November 28, 2013.

In addition to the online consultation Defra are hosting a series of workshops to hear directly from people around the country. Defra are currently seeking people who may be interested in participating in one of the workshops. See dates and venues for the workshops.

The purpose of the workshops is to get the views of people at grass roots level who are living in rural communities. The workshops last two and half hours each and will be hosted by Defra CAP policy officials with support from Defra’s regional rural delivery teams. Attendees will hear the background to the consultation and will then participate in facilitated discussions and workshop exercises, allowing them the opportunity to give their views on some of the questions included in the consultation. The output from the workshops will feed in to the formal consultation.

To register you will need to complete the registration form, then send it to the email address for the workshop you’d like to attend. They can also register by post at the address below:

Defra Stakeholder Team
17 Smith Square
London SW1 P3JR

Places are offered on a first registration basis, however workshops will cover topics across single payments and the Rural Development Programme for England so Defra reserve the right to balance attendance if necessary.

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