Call for sheep and goat farmers

Call for Sheep and/or Goat farmers to participate in sustainability assessments and case studies to test innovative farm practices

iSAGE (Innovation for Sustainable Sheep and Goat Production in Europe) is a four-year EU Horizon 2020 project which aims to make the European sheep and goat sectors more sustainable, competitive and resilient.

The ORC has a leading role in the project in assessing the sustainability of the sheep and goat sectors in Europe in the light of future challenges such as climate change, food security, resource use efficiency and rural deprivation in marginal regions. In collaboration with the National Sheep Association and AHDB, ORC aims to holistically assess the sustainability of sheep and goat farming in the UK. The sustainability assessments will focus on animal welfare, environmental, social, economic and governance issues. In addition we are planning to carry out on-farm trials, comparative case studies and if needed discussion clubs and focus groups to test or discuss innovative farm practices. The topics covered will include: nutrition, breeding and genetics, health, market development & adding value and farmer succession.

If you are a sheep or goat farmer (or both) and interested in assessing the sustainability of your farm and/or would like to take part in case studies either as part of a group or testing your own ideas we would love to hear from you. Please contact Dr Konstantinos Zaralis

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