Agroecology (Food Security) Bill: Update

Please lobby your MP to support the Agroecology (Food Security) Bill

The Private Members Bill ballot will be on 12th June so now is a very good time to start lobbying your MP to adopt/support it. The Bill is supported by a number of national organisations, including ORC. The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Agroecology is also supporting the Bill.

The Bill represents an effective way to introduce the topic of agroecology and the need for a transition in how we produce and distribute food. By asking for their support they will have to make a choice and therefore need to inform themselves about the issues involved. Even if they respond that they intend to table another Bill if they come high up in the PMB ballot you can still ask them to support the Bill if tabled by another MP.

Here is a draft letter which we would be grateful if you could email to your MP (feel free to draft your own or adapt this one). To find out who your MP is visit This site also provides a template in which your letter can be pasted.

We would be very grateful if you could send us any replies you receive so we can build up a list of MPs how might support the Bill and those who don’t! Please email Pete Riley or by post to 50, South Yorkshire Buildings, Silkstone Common, Barnsley S75 4RJ.

The short briefings available on the website should enable answer any issues that your MP might raise or use an excuse not to support the Bill or if you choose to continue corresponding.

Following the PMB ballot we will contact all MPs who are drawn in the top ten to ask them to adopt the Bill. We will also be seeking your support.

Thanks for your support – please pass on to friends, family and colleagues.

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