1st Solibam Stakeholder Congress

The SOLIBAM Congress, to be held on 19th and 20th April in San Nilo Abbey, Grottaferrata, Rome, Italy, is a public event designed to introduce a wide range of stakeholders to this EU funded Strategies for Organic and Low-input Integrated Breeding and Management project, which started in 2010. The aim is to provide an international forum for discussion around four topical themes linked to policy foci:

  1. The greening of agriculture
  2. Climate change, what challenges for breeding and agriculture?
  3. Cropping systems of the future, and
  4. Seeds and sustainable use of plant genetic resources.

The objective of the SOLIBAM project is to develop novel breeding approaches integrated with management practices to improve the performance, quality, sustainability and stability of crops adapted to organic and low-input systems in Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. The underlying hypothesis is that diverse populations in diverse organic and low-input systems are more resilient to stress and can therefore better adapt to environmental variation.

The Congress will address a key issue for SOLIBAM and for agriculture today: how do we ensure food security and food quality while maintaining environmental and socio-economic sustainability. It will be organised in roundtable discussions according to four topical themes. In each roundtable representatives from different stakeholders (e.g. farmers’ associations, policy makers, scientists, & industry) will express their views after a keynote speaker has introduced the theme and a member of the SOLIBAM team has reacted by relating it to the work being carried out within the project.

Places are limited and will be allocated on a ‘first come first served’ basis. The registration deadline is 5th March 2012. For further details see the SOLIBAM Congress event page.

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