13 ORC conference bursaries available

All available bursaries have now been allocated and this offer of support is closed

Thanks to generous sponsorship from Dove’s Farm, Abbey Home Farm and the Organic Growers Alliance, we are able to offer up to 13 free or heavily discounted places at the 2013 Organic Producers’ Conference: Making Producer-led Innovation a Reality.

  • The Organic Growers Alliance is offering seven £150 bursaries towards the student early bird rate for horticultural apprentices, trainees or students.
  • Abbey Home Farm is offering two £150 bursaries for agricultural apprentices, trainees or students.
  • Dove’s Farm is offering four full conference fee cost bursaries (excluding travel) to UK-based agricultural students.

In all cases, the bursaries will apply to the early bird producer/student rate (£216 single, £186 sharing accommodation) even if the early bird deadline (21st December) has already passed. However, early application is advised as bursaries will be awarded on a first come, first served basis.

To apply, please submit the conference registration form (paper-based (PDF 793KB) or on-line) without sending payment (if using on-line registration please click the Register and Pay button but do not continue with payment) AND send an e-mail to Gillian Woodward stating that you are applying for the bursary and outlining briefly why you think you are eligible (details of current course/institution attended, apprenticeship or trainee placement and interest in attending conference). Once the bursary is confirmed you will be requested to make the appropriate remaining payment. Please note that your registration will not be definitely confirmed until any payment due has been received.

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