The benefits that organic produce and organic farming bring to both consumers and society, need to be communicated much better to the public. A bid to the EU could secure funds to organize a large marketing campaign to support the sector.
The campaign, supported by a partnership including several organizations and supported by Sustain, will inform consumers on the advantages of buying organic products and how to go about purchasing organic produce with confidence. The first step is to raise sufficient funds for a substantial three years campaign which will encourage debate on how organic food and farming delivers against a broad set of dietary, ethical and environmental values.
Sustain has the role of “promoter” in the process of applying to the EU for funding, on behalf of the partnership’s members. The result of the bid is partly dependent on ‘matching’ contributions and there is still time to join the campaign by pledging your support. Key partners in the bid so far include:
Alara Whole Foods:
Organic Arable:
Organic Centre Wales:
Organic Farm Foods:
Organic Research Centre:
Organic Trade Board:
Soil Association:
The objectives of the bid are to:
a.. Enhance consumer awareness of standards– what organic means and how it is regulated.
b.. Increase consumer awareness of how to identify organic products, including national logos, the EU logo and other labels.
c.. Provide information and broaden awareness of the benefits of organic farming for people and animals, but also of its role in counteracting climate change.
d.. Maintain and encourage the consumption of organic farming products.
For further information, or to participate, contact the project coordinator, Catherine Fookes, at:
It is essential for everybody in the industry to support this campaign, so please pledge your support at:
Posted in News and events, Research