Woodland: Making it Work for You

Event Date : October 3, 2017

Management, Creation and Funding, Tuesday 3rd October, Boat of Garten, 1.30-4.30pm

A practical afternoon looking at benefits of woodland management, creation and funding opportunities. The event will include discussion on woodland creation, how to manage existing woodland and support available. Come along to hear and discuss what trees can do for your business. Speakers include John Risby, Forestry Commission Scotland; Russ Jobson, Woodland Trust Scotland; Jim Simmons, Ruthven Farm, Glenlivit; Will Anderson, Seafield Estate, Cullen and Will Boyd Wallis, CNPA.

Free to farmers, foresters and land managers; £40 + VAT to others. More information and booking at https://www.soilassociation.org/news/2017/august/09/woodland-making-it-work-for-you/ or call Jane on 0131 666 2474. Funding for this activity is made available through the SRDP Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund (which is jointly funded by the Scottish Government and the European Union), with partner funding from Quality Meat Scotland, Forestry Commission Scotland, Innovative Farmers and The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Foundation.


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