Winter Organic Cereals

Event Date : November 23, 2017

Diversity in the field – the way forward?
Casterley Barn, Rushall Organics, Pewsey, Wiltshire SN9 6EG
9.30am to 5pm

Join us at Rushall Organics for a one-day workshop to discuss intercropping (morning) and cereal diversification (afternoon). There will be a tour of the farm and grain store and a chance to see new sowing and harvesting technologies used on the farm.


  • Benefits of intercropping. Examples from around the world
  • Share experiences of intercropping – what has worked and what hasn’t? What are the barriers to uptake?
  • Funded opportunities to get involved in intercropping trials

9.30 am: Arrival with tea, coffee and pastries
10 am: Welcome with Bruce Pearce introducing intercropping and the DIVERSify project. Innovative examples of intercropping from across the project and around the world.
10.20 am: Introductions
10.40 am: Nigel Wookey of Rushall Organics – ‘show and tell’ from the farm.
11 am: Tea, coffee and snack break
11.30 am: Discussion on experiences with intercropping: successes, failures and barriers
12:45 pm: Opportunities to experiment and try things that have been identified during the day

1 pm: Lunch

2 pm: Tours of the farm and grain store and a chance to see new sowing and harvesting technologies used on the farm.

Diverse cereals:

  • Exploring opportunities for local, heritage, organic/low-input and alternative cereals in the UK, e.g. spelt, rye, oats, heritage wheat, barley, emmer and einkorn
  • Sharing innovations in the production, processing and marketing of agrobiodiverse cereals, with examples from along the supply chain

3 pm: Introduction to the CERERE project and to the afternoon workshop on cereal diversification.

3.30 pm: Parallel sessions on processing and marketing of diverse cereals:

  • Andrew Trump (Organic Arable) – alternative grain supply and marketing and Whites Oats collaboration
  • Rupert Dunn (Torth y Tir) Torth y Tir as a community initiative, and its involvements in milling, storage and use of cereals

4.15 pm: Parallel sessions

  • Paola Tosi (University of Reading) – nutritional aspects of cereal diversity and processing
  • Michael Marriage (Doves Farm) on growing/marketing/milling alternative cereals
  • 5 pm: Close. Tea and coffee available

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