Using Compost Tea on Crops

Event Date : March 13, 2018

Innovative Farmers field lab meeting at Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm, Hamstead Marshall, Newbury RG20 0HR

Sophie Alexander of Hemsworth Farm sampling compost tea

There has been considerable interest in recent years in using compost teas, which are claimed to increase yields and suppress disease but most of the research has been carried out elsewhere in Europe. This field lab began in 2014 and included trial plots on two organic and one non-organic arable farm in the UK. The host farms measured the yield and nutritional content of the crop at harvest. Soils, yield and disease presence were monitored on the trial and control plots over the course of the growing season. We will hear more about results and findings from the first 2 years of trialling as well as discussing the potential for new trials in the UK. Find out more about this field lab here

Read article by Dominic Amos in ORC Bulletin 121 Compost making and compost tea – all muck and magic?

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