The Agroforestry Carbon Code Project

Event Date : November 22, 2022

Event Time : 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Event Location : Online

Online event which highlights a project testing the feasibility for the generation of robust carbon credits from UK agroforestry projects.

In the first half of this webinar, you will hear more about this Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund (NEIRF) project to test the feasibility for the generation of robust carbon credits from UK agroforestry projects.

This project is coordinated by the Soil Association, in partnership with Woodland Trust, Organic Research Centre, Finance Earth, Scottish Forestry and Scotland’s Rural College.

Explore opportunities for an Agroforestry Carbon Code here.

Speakers will include representatives from a range of the project partners and there will be plenty of time for Q&A and feedback.


In the second half of the webinar, there will also be brief presentations from project partners: Soil Association, Woodland Trust and Organic Research Centre on related policy & technical developments to support UK agroforestry including:

  1. Soil Association: Woodland and Trees in the Farmed Landscape: this report explores the opportunities and challenges for developing a diverse, resilient and vibrant agroforestry and farm woodland economy for the UK. The report and associated model seek to understand the underlying economic case for the integration of woodlands and trees into farming systems, as part of agroecological pathway to square the circle on nature, net zero and food production.
  2. Woodland Trust: Farming for the future: how agroforestry can deliver for nature and climate – getting more trees growing in our farmed landscape is vital. But does England have the right policies to make combining food production with goals for nature, climate and resilience a reality? Our new research explores the nature and climate benefits that a major expansion in agroforestry would bring and discusses the policies and incentives needed to encourage uptake from land managers.
  3. Organic Research Centre: Automation of landscape carbon quantification – research to explore using AI and remote imaging to automatically quantify Agroforestry and general landscape carbon as part of the EU REFOREST Project.

Speakers include:

Clive Thomas, Senior Regenerative Forestry Advisor for the Soil Association and project manager for the Agroforestry Carbon Code. Clive also project managed the ‘Woodland and Trees in the Farmed landscape’ report and worked with Cumulus Consultants on the report and associated model.

George Chanarin, Lead author for Cumulus Consultants on the ‘Woodland and Trees in the Farmed Landscape’ report for the Soil Association.

Andrew Allen, Lead Policy Advocate Land Use for the Woodland Trust and lead author of the Trust’s report ‘Farming for the Future: how agroforestry can deliver for nature and climate’.

Colin Tosh, Senior Agroforestry Researcher with the Organic Research Centre. An experienced ecological modeller, Colin currently undertakes modelling work on the EU AGROMIX project to understand how agroforestry and mixed farming promote farm resilience, and the EU REFOREST project. He also works on the Defra Agroforestry Elm Test project, advising the Defra team developing Agroforestry policy in ELM.


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