Organics Europe Youth Event 2022

Event Date : August 31, 2022 - September 1, 2022

Event Location : Frick, Switzerland

Organic and You(th): Together for sustainable food systems

Organics Europe Youth Event in a nutshell

The Organic Europe’s Youth Event (OEYE), taking place on 31 August-1 September in Frick, Switzerland, is an event for youth interested and active in organic. It will provide a platform to discuss and learn about the potential and challenges of organic production and its role as a sustainable food system.

The youth event will bring together youth with diverse backgrounds: from farmers to retailers and processors, from activists to politicians. The event will foster cross-fertilisation between different disciplines and generate innovative ideas for the future of organic production.

Participants to the OEYE will grow their professional network, marking the starting point of a permanent network for European organic youth

Organic and you(th)

Organic food and farming are part of the solution against global societal and environmental issues. Its positive effects on our climate, the environment, biodiversity, and animal welfare demand for enhanced knowledge and an organic movement that can shape and empower the future of the organic community.

Are you a young professional, farmer, activist, student, entrepreneur or simply interested in organic food systems? This event is for you! Together, we will discover how the organic movement can inspire change through a wide range of perspectives – from science, business, politics, arts, and practical experiences by young entrepreneurs and activists. We will discuss issues and topics related to sustainable food systems and develop ideas to improve and promote organic food systems.

What to expect?

You will be inspired through workshops, discussions, speeches, several networking activities & dedicated excursions in Frick, at the heart of Switzerland.


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