Organic support schemes

Event Date : July 2, 2015

We are very grateful to Triodos for their support for this workshop

Organic support schemes and new opportunities for organic farming. IOTA workshop at Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm, Newbury RG20 0HR

An IOTA workshop for organic and conventional advisers and all support staff providing information to producers and the supply chain. The workshop will bring us up to date on the new schemes now operational in Wales and about to open on 1st July in England.

  • CAP Reform – Countryside Stewardship and Glastir organic schemes: making best use for environment management and organic farming in England and Wales
  • Organic business prospects – the market and returns
  • Update on the EU Regulation and standards


Speakers: Nic Lampkin, Susanne Padel and Beth Cullen (Organic Research Centre), Defra (tbc) and Mark Measures (Institute of Organic Training & Advice)

10.15 Coffee
10.30 Welcome and introductions
10.45 CAP Reform and environmental policy objectives and strategy in England and Wales
11.00 Environmental support schemes

  • Countryside Stewardship: an overview, the management options and payments
  • Organic Conversion and Management Options: management requirements, application and payment rates, “Viability Plans”, timing and transfers
  • Glastir Organic: application and payment rates, “Management Plans”
  • How does the support in England and Wales compare with that offered to organic farming elsewhere in Europe

1.00 Lunch
2.00 Discussion on the use of the schemes
2.40 An update on the financial performance of organic farming, the organic market and the Regulation now under revision. New sources of information for organic farmers and advisers
4.00 Conclusion and outstanding issues
4.15 Tea and depart

Workshop fees

IOTA Members (Accredited and Subscribers): £40.00 plus VAT (total: £48.00) Non members £50 plus VAT (total: £60.00)
Workshop fees include tea, coffee and lunch.
On-line booking is available here. Alternatively book your place now using the booking form and send it to Gillian Woodward.
Deadline for bookings: Friday 26th June 2015 (midday)


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