Organic Greenhouse Horticulture

Event Date : October 27, 2013

to 31 October 2013

The 2nd International Symposium for Organic Greenhouse Horticulture will be held in Avignon, France at the end of October. The organisation of this Symposium is a joint effort of the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), the COST Action FA1105 BioGreenhouse as well as ITAB, GRAB and Tersys, the three major institutes for organic horticulture research in France.

Already more than 120 people from various countries all over the world have signed up. During this Symposium the main aspects of organic protected cropping will be discussed, such as propagation material, soil health, plant nutrition or water management, as well as composting, management of diseases and pests, plant resilience and robust systems, energy saving and the standards of organic greenhouse cropping. One of the key note speakers will be Eliot Coleman from Maine (USA), who will be sharing his views and experiences of all-year-round cropping systems for organic vegetables.

There will be a total of 55 oral and 80 poster presentations during the Symposium, and in collaboration with TPorganics and BioGreenhouse subjects for the European R&D agenda will be discussed.

Live news feed

If you can’t make it to the symposium, you can follow it on twitter under #OGH13 or via a live news feed on the biogreenhouse website and via the website of the symposium


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