ORC Wakelyns Agroforestry Open Day

Event Date : June 26, 2013

Agro-ecology: Science & Practice for Sustainable Farming

ORC Wakelyns Agroforestry, Metfield Lane, Fressingfield, Eye, Suffolk, IP21 5SD

This event is now full – no more bookings are being taken

Experts will offer challenging views on the use of energy in society and agriculture, showing how the application of agro-ecology to crop production can improve energy balances while maintaining biodiversity in agricultural systems.  A farm tour will highlight a brand new EU project in agroforestry and showcase the range of cropping ideas in progress, with the latest from Brussels on regulations affecting wheat populations.   Our new principal scientist and team leader for crops and agroforestry, Dr. Robbie Girling, will be joining the discussions.


10:00 – Arrivals and refreshments

10:20 – Welcome from Martin Wolfe to Wakelyns Agroforestry and from Nic Lampkin, Director of ORC

10:30 – Steve Jones, Permaculture: The Energy Crisis and Agriculture

11:00 – Pete Ianetta, The James Hutton Institute: Functional Diversity: the Values of Wild Arable Plants

11:30 – Refreshment break

12:00 – Barbara Smith, The Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (TBC): Finding room for all in farming

12:30 – Discussion

13:15 – Lunch

14:15 – Farm Tour: Agroforestry and Arable demonstrations and trials

16:00 – Refreshment break and discussion

17:00 – Finish

Registration and payment

This event is now full – no more bookings are being taken. If you have already booked, but have a query, please contact Gillian Woodward.


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