NOCC21: OF&G’s National Organic Combinable Crops

Event Date : July 6, 2021

Event Location : Shimpling Park Farm, Shimpling, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP29 4HY

John and Alice Pawsey and family will be welcoming guests to their mixed organic arable and sheep farm at Shimpling park Farm in Suffolk on 6 July 2021.

This annual on-farm conference, organised by OF&G has grown since it began in 2008 and is a popular event with delegates and speakers coming from all over the UK and beyond.

At this time the government ambition is to roll back restrictions on gatherings as the year progresses and OF&G are ‘cautiously optimistic’ that we all can meet at Shimpling Park Farm in person in July.

It is planned to hold the event as an in-person on-farm conference, ensuring adherence to government guidelines on space and ventilation and hygiene. They will also be putting conference material online including presentations and discussions and a look around some parts of the farm.

Last year John Pawsey became the virtual host with contributions from farmers, researchers and advisors including Mark Lea, Green Acres Farm in Shropshire, Phil Howell, NIAB, Emily Pope from the AHDB and the Organic Research Centre, the AHDB, Clive Bailye, TWB Farms with chairperson and NOCC convenor, Charlotte Smith.

Event highlights:

  • Organic economics – markets and public goods
  • Organic agronomic – rotations, crop varieties, soil management
  • Organic food – breakfast and lunch from UK organic suppliers

The crops team at ORC are engaging with the planning of the event and Livewheat and other projects will be represented. More details to follow!


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