National Soil Symposium

Event Date : November 5, 2015

The top 6 inches: Practical ways to build great soil

Soil Association National Soil Symposium – At-Bristol, Anchor Rd, Harbourside, Bristol, BS1 5DB

Want healthier soil? Come to Britain’s biggest and brightest soil clinic!

As well as the chance to quiz the experts about your soil test results, there will be a packed day of practical talks and hands-on workshops. Learn how to make the most of mixed leys, bring stock onto your arable land, and speak to the innovative farmers trialling new approaches through ‘field labs’.

Catch up with industry experts, friends and colleagues at activities throughout the day, from carrot tasting (can you tell what it grew in?) – to planning a tree-planting scheme for your farm.

For the first time, local producers are laying on a farmers market where you can buy a delicious, organic lunch. The evening event will be a celebration of soil with an organic feast and dancing into the night.

For more information and booking click here.


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