Multi-cropping at Wakelyns

Event Date : July 10, 2012

Time: 10.00 – 15.30
Venue: Wakelyns Agroforestry, Fressingfield, Suffolk

Multiple-cropping – growing several crops or varieties in the same place – could have benefits for nutrients, water, pest/disease control and benefit the soil too. But can it work in the UK?
The England Catchment Sensitive Farming Delivery initiative is working with the Organic Research Centre at Wakelyns Agroforestry and Cranfield University to hold a workshop on multiple cropping opportunities and constraints for English farmers, and exploring what it does for the soil. For further details see the event flier (PDF 457 KB).

Places are limited, so please book early by ringing 0300 0601695 or emailing quoting event reference EWS80.

Further information on ORC’s agroforestry research and eco-agroforestry network can be found here.


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