Managing Hedges for Woodfuel

Event Date : March 27, 2014

Practical Workshop

Thursday 27th March 2014, 10am – 4pm

Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm, Hamstead Marshall, Newbury, RG20 0HR

This is a practical day looking at all aspects of managing hedgerows for woodfuel aimed at farmers, landowners, woodland workers and advisors.

Over the course of the day we will cover; appropriate machinery and methods; assessing the woodfuel volumes in different hedgerows; hedge management options and considerations; fuel quality and combustion options. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion throughout the day.

Draft programme:

  1. Coffee, welcome and introduction to the day.
  2. Guided walk around Elm Farm looking at hedgerow management including an explanation of the hedge management cycle, resource assessment methods and harvesting considerations.
  3. Lunch

  4. Harvesting and processing methods – presentation of options followed by discussion.
  5. Processing options – examination of chip/ fuel quality and discussion of boilers/ burners.
  6. Feedback and discussion followed by tea and cake.

To reserve your place please book online or complete the booking form and return it to Gillian Woodward, The Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm, Hamstead Marshall, RG20 OHR by Monday 17 March. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

PLaces still available, due to last minute cancellations!

We are asking for £12 (inc. VAT) to cover administration costs and lunch/ refreshments.

Download the event flyer here

We will also be holding a guided walk for members of the public at Elm Farm on Saturday 5th April, looking at a range of hedgerows and management methods – for further details see our website


Managing Hedges for Fuel is a project that has been supported by The North Wessex Downs, The Woodland Trust and European Regional Development Funding through Interreg IVB. This is a partnership event by the Organic Research Centre and the North Wessex Downs.


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