Looking to the Future:

Event Date : March 26, 2014

Organic produce at Daylesford

Please note this event has been cancelled.

Looking to the Future: Marketing and Business Potential of Organic Farming

Venue: Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm, Hamstead Marshall, Newbury RG20 0HR 26th March 2014 10.00am to 16.00pm

The premium organic market has been a significant reason for producers and other supply chain businesses adopting organic methods and becoming certified according the EU organic regulations. In recent years, the UK organic market has been under pressure, while markets in other EU countries have expanded. Now there is evidence of growth returning to UK organic markets. In the first part of this course, we will look at market trends, case studies of organic business and market channel options, and consider the potential impacts of future EU regulation changes.

Despite the market pressures, organic producers have managed to maintain their financial performance relative to conventional systems. The course will examine the cost and pricing factors contributing to this performance using survey data and it will consider the likely directions that key variables will take. It will include a review of CAP direct payment and RDP implementation plans as they affect organic producers in England.

Participants will receive copies of the latest Soil Association Organic Market report to be published in March as well as the 2014 Organic Farm Management Handbook published in February.

Course cost (local and organic lunch included):

  • Reduced price for eligible participants (see below) £50 + VAT
  • Full price for participants not-eligible for funding £100 + VAT

On-line booking is available here.

Please check information on discounts below before booking.

You can also register directly and pay by cheque, BACS or credit card by contacting Gillian Woodward.

100% fee reduction available for young people from Berkshire

If you are 26 or under, resident in Berkshire and training (student/apprentice) to or starting a career in agriculture, you may qualify for one of our Gordon Palmer Memorial Trust bursaries. Please do NOT complete the on-line registration form, but e-mail Gillian Woodward with details of your address, age and circumstances to check eligiblity.

50% fee reduction for English producers and others obtaining a living from agriculture or agricultural products

Eligibility includes producers and employees of producer groups, supply chain businesses, direct retailers, small consultancy businesses, but not multiple retailers, government departments, agencies or public bodies including universities. Participants must be living/working in England.

To benefit please download, complete and sign the funding application form (243 kb pdf file) and send to Gillian Woodward at ORC. You can still register and pay on-line.

This project has been supported through the Rural Development Programme for England, which is jointly funded by Defra and the European Union


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