IOTA Legume LINK event

Event Date : February 23, 2012

Venue: Abbey Home Farm, Cirencester
Time: TBC

A workshop on legume management for advisers, researchers, growers and farmers organised by the Institute of Organic Training and Advice (IOTA).

The workshop will draw on the final results of the 3 year Legume Link project in which IOTA has been a partner.

It will include:

  • Will it grow? New information on suitability of legume species across the UK under a range of conditions
  • What do we want? Selecting legumes and other forage species to maximize forage production for livestock feed and soil fertility accumulation for arable cropping
  • Removing the guess work! Use of a species selection tool to optimize fertility accumulation
  • Does it work? The first results from trials testing crop yield after a range of different fertility building legumes
  • What does the farmer think? See the Leg link plots at Abbey Home Farm prior to cereal cropping.

This is the final opportunity to engage with a unique group of specialists involved in legume management and for you to get the most out of the research project. It will include: Thomas Doring (Organic Research Centre ORC), John Bradwell (Organic Seed Producers), John Baddeley (SAC), Heather McCalman (IBERS), Jonathan Storkey (Rothamsted), Ron Stobbart (The Arable Group), Mark Measures (Adviser and IOTA Director) and others.

For more information and a booking form, please email or call 01547 528546.


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