IOTA 2013 annual conference

Event Date : September 30, 2013

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The Institute of Organic Training and Advice (IOTA) annual conference will be held on Monday 30th September at Loddington, Leicestershire.

Download a programme of the event here

A conference open to all advisers, trainers and others working with organic farming and environmental management:

  • CAP reform and the new organic options
  • Practical ways in which farming can deliver for wildlife, soil, water and climate
  • Advisory tools and methods

The Institute of Organic Training and Advice annual conference will include the experiences of the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, which has been instrumental in developing many of the OELS/ELS Options and the River Clun community catchment management project, together with an overview of the research on the positive environmental benefits of organic farming and new ways of environmental management. It will be a unique opportunity for advisers to discuss how organic farming can better meet the environmental objectives of farmers, agencies and society.

You can no longer register for this event.

For more information contact Mark Measures.

For further information on IOTA membership click here. New members will qualify for the reduced rate conference fee.


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