Intercropping in Arable Systems

Event Date : May 7, 2020

Online Event – Webinar. 11:30am

Intercropping offers the potential for more efficient resource utilisation, reducing pest and disease pressure and better competition with weeds. Members of the Innovative Farmers Field Lab have been experimenting with a range of intercropping and companion cropped mixtures on their farms. Including wheat-beans (weed suppression), OSR-peas and oats (pest resilience) and triticale-beans (scaffolding and yield).

To seek to recreate the experience of getting out on farm – David Casebow, at Sonning Farm (Crops Research Unit of Reading University) will take us on a ‘virtual farm tour’ of the trials at Sonning and talk us through the results he has had over the previous years. Farmers and researchers engaged in the Innovative Farmers Field lab will share results from last year’s trials and plans for this.

This will also provide an opportunity to learn about how different farmers are making intercropping work on their farms. Sharing practical insights and tips for those looking to try it out. We will also invite you to share your own ideas, experiences and questions in an informal discussion.

This online session will be 1.5 hours with opportunity for more discussion and general chin wag afterwards. More details to follow – hope to see you there!

Details at Agricology


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