Improving the sustainability of sheep farming

Event Date : April 30, 2018

Registration extended!

Workshop and business development meeting. 9.30-15.45. Church Farm, North Stoke, Bath, BA1 9AT

With lambing for the 2018 season drawing to a close this workshop will provide an opportunity to discuss opportunities for improving practice within the sheep sector. There will also be a chance to discuss specific management practices commonly applied in the organic sector and whether or not they could be adopted more widely. The workshop forms part of a Defra-funded project that aims to review and identify sustainable and agroecological farming practices, which are commonly adopted by organic farmers and likely to have the greatest adaptability and positive impact in conventional farming. We are specifically looking for non-organic farmers to take part.

The workshop will be hosted by Mr Kevin Harrison, NSA English Committee Chairman and Farm Manager for JT Baylis. Mr Harrison will provide an overview of his farming system during an initial presentation and a farm walk encompassing the indoor lambing set-up and the 760 commercial north-country Mule flock.

Throughout the remainder of the workshop, a range of organic practices will be presented for discussion. The workshops will identify costs and benefits associated with each practice, therefore objective opinions will be sought. There is no need to be supportive of organic farming in order to participate as a wide variety of perspectives and feedback are required. The Organic Research Centre (ORC) is leading the workshop whilst the National Sheep Association (NSA) has kindly agreed to help facilitate and contribute to the discussions.


9.30: Arrival and introductions – Tea & Coffee
10.00: Introduction to the farm and Question and Answer session – Kevin Harrison, NSA English Committee Chairman and Farm Manager for JT Baylis Ltd
10.30: Outline of the organic management techniques project
10.50: Working Focus Groups to review organic practices, followed by feedback session
12.30: Lunch break (to be provided, please supply information on dietary requirements using booking form)
13.30: Farm walk / farm tour with Kevin Harrison
15.00: Top Trumps: Which practice do you feel is the most important?
15.30: Closing remarks and thanks + feedback sheets
15.45: Tea / coffee and depart


The meeting is free of charge. Registration has been extended to Thursday 26th April. Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. Download booking form here

Practice factsheets produced within the Defra-funded project will be shared with all participants attending the workshop.


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