Improving the resilience of livestock systems

Event Date : September 11, 2014

Woodland Trust and Harper Adams University seminar on how trees can work for your farm. Thursday 11th September from 10am – 4pm at Harper Adams University, Newport, Shropshire TF10 8NB

Experts from the farming industry are set to provide practical advice and discuss how the productivity of dairy, beef and sheep farming systems can be enhanced by planting trees and managing existing small wooded areas on their land.

Findings show trees can play an important role in helping to reduce the number of cases of diseases, such as liver fluke and foot rot, amongst cattle and sheep. Research also highlights how survival of new-born and young lambs can be increased through well placed tree shelter. A review of evidence points to the medicinal and nutritional benefits offered to dairy cows that browse trees as fodder.

Research has shown that shelter belts planted on farmland, particularly across slopes, can improve water filtration by up to 60 times significantly reducing water runoff and waterlogging of pasture. As well as lowering the risk of disease in sheep and cattle, tree belts also provide critical shelter helping to improve feed conversion rates, support outdoor lambing and increase the survival chances of young lambs. In addition, shelter belts can improve pasture growth and extend the growing season.

The event that’s taking place on Thursday 11 September at Harper Adams University, Shropshire will also discuss other topics, such as the latest updates on the agri-environment schemes in England and Wales.

Tickets: £10 per person refreshments and buffet lunch are included. Booking is essential and to reserve your place, email or call 08452 935 603. Closing date for booking is Thursday 4th September.


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