IFOAM EU Organic Days

Event Date : September 24, 2012

to 26th September 2012

Monday, 24 September – Excursion: Rural economy and society in Cyprus – challenges and opportunities.

Tuesday, 25 September – Research Conference: “Organic and Low Input Agriculture – Implementing Innovation to respond to EU Challenges (Horizon 2020, EU Innovation and Research Policy Framework)”
featuring launch of a book edited by European Commission DG RTD on “The decade of low-input and organic agriculture research” and discussion with stakeholders and dissemination of innovative projects

Wednesday, 26 September – High level conference: “Future farming in times of climate change and water scarcity”
focusing on Rural development and sustainable farming approaches for Mediterranean areas and beyond. This event will focus on mitigating and dealing with the consequences of climate change, as well as resilience to periods of water scarcity, which are major challenges for agriculture in Mediterranean regions. To feed into current EU and member states’ policy debates on the CAP post 2013, rural development programmes, the implementation of the water framework directive and the climate strategy, the IFOAM EU Group, the Cyprus EU Presidency and Pasybio (representing the Organic sector in Cyprus) – organize this high level expert conference. Speakers will include policy makers and stakeholders from the European Commission, European Parliament, Cypriot government, economy, science and the organic food sector. Speakers will present policy processes and demands as well as case studies; the conference will serve as a platform to exchange ideas and experiences, and to discuss solutions for effective rural development policies and strengthening of farm economies in the context of climate change, by integrating food production, local processing and marketing, eco-tourism and organic agriculture.

Registration for the 3 days event is NOW OPEN. Register at www.organicdays.eu/registration/ – save the dates and book your travel now!

For more information and the programmes for each event, please visit: www.organicdays.eu.

For further inquiries please contact us at events@ifoameu.org.


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