Guided farm trail walk

Event Date : September 12, 2010


During Organic Fortnight, which is a national celebration of our farming system, visitors to Elm Farm will be invited to a guided walk on the farm trail. Bob Winfield, Education Officer at Elm Farm will lead the walk to see some of the interesting features of management and conservation on the farm.

Meet at 2.00 pm in the car park wearing Wellies or walking boots. Dogs on leads are welcome.

The trail is a footpath, open to the public at all times, which follows a circular route through the farm including several areas noted for biodiversity and conservation value. The trail is about two and half miles long (up to 1.5 hours to complete). There are positions on the trail with interesting observation points and benches, all footpath stiles have been replaced with pedestrian gates, and there are also bridges over ditches and streams to help with access.

For more information, contact Bob Winfield.


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