Field Lab: Woodchip Compost

Event Date : April 7, 2014

Trials of woodchip compost as growing media

Field lab – Woodchip compost for propagation

07 April 2014 10:00 – 07 April 2014 15:00 Tolhurst Organics, 2 W Lodge, Hardwick, Reading, Berkshire RG8 7RB

The field lab at Tolhurst Organic will explore the use of compost, and in particular woodchip compost, as a component in peat-free propagation materials in horticulture and evaluate its performance with regards to other materials. It will compare to Klasmann peat-free propagation mixture (the standard commercial product for plant raising in horticulture, used here as control), and a commercially available Biochar mixture for propagation purposes. In all variations, the same transplant crops will be raised: sprouts, leeks and celeriac. The performance of the cops will be assessed throughout the entire growing period; including growth, health, yield and quality.

This is a follow-up to the initial workshop which was facilitated by ORC’s Phil Sumption and Anja Vieweger as lead researcher. See photo’s here. The main purpose of the day is the discussion of the first results: assessing the effects of the different propagation materials on the development and performance of the tested transplants. Review of plans, ideas for additional research. A visit of the site will be included.

More information here. Book your place now! Please contact Astrid Toner Or phone: 0117 3145100

See flyer here


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