Farmers’ and growers’ priorities for agricultural research and innovation

Event Date : January 29, 2024

Event Time : 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Join the Agroecology Research Collaboration to ensure the priorities of agroecological farmers and growers are taken seriously by the research community.

The need for innovation in agriculture has never been more urgent. Our sector is grappling with rapid changes in policy and trade, heightened volatility, and climate and nature crises. Research is vital to help understand these challenges and find ways to address them. However, to do this effectively research providers and funders need to understand farmers’ and landworkers’ priorities on the ground.

The Agroecology Research Collaboration and the Centre for Effective Innovation in Agriculture are teaming up to explore research and innovation priorities for farmers and growers across the UK. This forms part of a larger project that will include views from all major agricultural sectors across a wide diversity of farming systems, and from businesses and organisations that influence the industry’s direction. This work builds on the Feeding the Future review ten years ago, which had a substantial impact on government research funding in agriculture.

We invite you to join us for this workshop to share your views and experience and feed into the development of future research agendas. We will discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the agroecological sector, and how research and innovation could help to address these.

Outcomes from this workshop will feed directly into a report that will be shared with policymakers, research funders and research institutions.

The Agroecology Research Collaboration (ARC) is an initiative developed by the Landworkers’ Alliance, the Community Supported Agriculture Network UK (CSAN), the Ecological Land Cooperative (ELC), the Organic Growers Alliance (OGA) and Pasture for Life (PFL).  ARC is a collective endeavour to support and inform an increasing research interest led by, centring on and meeting the needs of agroecological farmers, growers, foresters and other land-based workers.


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