Earthworms in grassland

Event Date : September 18, 2014

How to enhance earthworm populations in agricultural grasslands

Venue: The Organic Research Centre – Elm Farm, Hamstead Marshall, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 0HR 2:00pm to 4:30pm (arrive 1:30pm for refreshments).

Earthworms provide many benefits to agricultural soils. However, there are many different factors that that are known to influence earthworm populations. This meeting presents exciting new findings from a major study into earthworms in British grasslands. The results are based on intensive research in 28 fields on seven farms from Aberdeen to Dorset. The study investigated the influence of a wide range of soil properties, land management practices and climate on earthworm abundance and diversity. The findings suggest practical ways to enhance earthworm populations in grasslands.

The meeting will include sessions on:

  • How do earthworms improve your grasslands?
  • What factors are controlling earthworm abundance and species diversity?
  • What land management options increase earthworm populations in grasslands?
  • How do you identify British earthworms?
  • Question and Answer session

The sessions will be run by Drs Paul Eggleton and David Jones, soil biologists at the Natural History Museum. The research findings are from the NERC-funded BESS (Biodiversity & Ecosystem Service Sustainability) project. The project was carried out in collaboration with scientists from the University of York and Cranfield University.

Who should attend?

This meeting is aimed at farmers, land managers, soil ecologist and conservationists, and anyone with a professional interest in soil and grassland ecology and management.


The event is free. However, please email or phone David Jones to confirm your attendance.
Enquiries to David Jones (, phone: 020 7942 5706


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