Crop diversification: DiverIMPACTS webinar

Event Date : March 14, 2019

DiverIMPACTS Webinar 5: Andrew Trump – How can value chains sustain crop diversification: the example of Organic Arable. Thu, Mar 14, 2019 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM GMT

What made organic farmers in 1999 in the UK team up in an organisation to market their grains? How were economic and social relations fostered over time, which effects did the organization have on farmers decision making and on crop diversification?

Andrew Trump leads the grain sales and purchasing of Organic Arable, an independent farmer-controlled business specialising in marketing organic grains and pulses. Organic Arable’s aim is to help member producers market their crops effectively, efficiently and transparently. It currently counts 70 producers.

The webinar is of interest to those who want to understand why an input supplier feels the need for crop diversification and what it takes to change business concepts for this purpose.

You can join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


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