Community Wood Fuel Project Meeting

Event Date : April 25, 2013

Organic Research Centre
Elm Farm, Hamstead Marshall, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 0HR

Come along and find out about a new project to set up a community owned woodchip boiler in Hamstead Marshall using woodchip harvested from the local area:

The event will run at the Organic Research Centre, from 3pm – 5pm and then repeated from 6pm – 8pm and will include a presentation of the project and a demonstration.

Please come along to ask any questions, register your interest or just to find out a bit more about the project.

This is a free event but so we have some idea of numbers please could you let us know if you intend to come.

Email: Sally Westaway
(t) 01488 658 298 ext.531

This event is part of the new project ‘Towards Eco-Energetic Communities’ (TWECOM).


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