Assessing the health of your soil

Event Date : August 30, 2016

GREATsoils trial demonstration (top fruit) at Loddington Farm, Linton near Maidstone, Kent

The GREATsoils project aims to inspire and support fruit and vegetable growers (primarily) to develop the ability and confidence to assess the health of their soils and take practical action to improve their soil management strategies.

The day, which runs from 10am to 1pm followed by a light lunch, is hosted by Paul Smith of Loddington Farm

Programme for the day

9.45 Arrival and Tea/Coffee
10.00 Welcome and introductions
10.10 Agenda for the day and introduction to the GREATsoils project presentation of the running field comparison trials of different soil assessment methods, which were set-up this year and will run until the end of 2017. (Anja Vieweger, ORC)
11.00 Field walk and soil assessment demonstration at Loddington trial site. Field trial comparing various approaches to assess and monitor soil organic matter in a conventional top fruit production system; flowering green manure stripes established in a newly planted apple orchard to encourage natural predators and add organic matter to soil. Tests to compare: NRM soil health suite, Visual Soil Assessment and earthworm counts, plus pest evaluation on leaves during/at end of growing period. (Led by Paul Smith, Loddington Farm)
13.00 Lunch, feedback and departure

See also Paul Smith (Loddington Farm): A fruit grower’s experience with different tools for practical soil assessment presentation at Organic Producers’ Conference


The day is free to attend, but booking is essential. Please register with Anja Vieweger by 19th August 2016


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