Allerton Project – 25th Anniversary Open Day

Event Date : June 28, 2017

Join Agricology in the Field at Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust’s ground-breaking demonstration farm to celebrate 25 years of agricultural and environmental research at the Allerton Project.

You are invited to join the 25-year celebration Open Day of farming and environmental research at the Allerton Project, the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust’s groundbreaking research and demonstration farm at Loddington, Leicestershire.

The celebration takes place on Wednesday 28 June 2017 and will be hosted by Sir James Paice, Allerton Project Chairman, and the Allerton Project Team.

Booking is essential – you can book your place here.

The Project originally set out to quantify the benefits of game management on farmland for meeting wider environmental objectives.

Over the last 25 years it has developed a wide-ranging research programme in collaboration with universities and other research organisations from the UK and internationally, with partnerships with Government Agencies and industrial sponsors. The Project has a comprehensive training and demonstration programme encompassing game, wildlife and farm management.

Throughout the Open Day there will be a series of guided walks around the farm hosted by members of the Allerton Project team giving guests an opportunity to see first-hand the research and meet with some of our collaborators.

  • Zero-till soil management: impact on soil biology, structure and infiltration
  • Silvo-pastoral agro-forestry project
  • The science behind beetle banks and wildlife seed mixes
  • Woodland management for game and bio-fuel
  • Catchment management for water, flood and sediment control
  • Community heritage apple orchard
  • Integrated Crop Management for arable production
  • Biobed and farm plastics recycling operation


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