Agroforestry for growers

Event Date : November 30, 2015

Now fully booked!

Day workshop on agroforestry for growers at Tolhurst Organic Partnership CIC near Pangbourne, Reading , RG8 7RA on November 30th. 10am – 3.30pm

Integrating trees into an organic horticultural system offers opportunities to diversify the business as well as environmental benefits. This workshop will provide practical advice and pointers on implementing agroforestry systems on your farm.

The day will centre around Iain Tolhurst’s newly planted agroforestry system with plenty of opportunity for discussion. We will explore the pros and cons of planting trees for agroforestry in horticultural businesses. There will be advice on species choice and design; tree establishment, understorey management; pruning and managing fruit trees in agroforestry systems; management and grant availability.


£12 per head to include organic lunch. Booking is now closed for this event but please contact Gillian Woodward to be put on a reserve list should places become available. Also leave your details with Gillian if you would be interested in attending this workshop if we run it again in the Spring.

Download flyer here


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