2012 Organic Producers’ Conference

Event Date : January 18, 2012

to 19 January 2012

Aston University, Birmingham

Developing better organic systems

Now a well-established part of the UK organic conference calendar, ORC’s 6th Organic Producer Conference continues the tradition of bringing innovative organic producers and other businesses together with consultants and researchers to explore the latest ideas for improving the technical, business and environmental performance of organic systems.

With a clear commitment to core organic principles as a basis for developing sustainable food systems, we believe that organic/agro-ecological approaches to food production represent a scientifically credible and justifiable alternative to more industrialised and resource-dependent forms of agriculture. These approaches have relevance not only to certified organic businesses, but also to non-organic producers looking to improve their husbandry and performance.

We are very pleased to confirm that Professor Miguel Altieri, the leading exponent of agro-ecological approaches to farming in the US and Latin America, will present the keynote speech in the closing session. At this stage, work is continuing on finalising other speakers for the event – suggestions for speakers or additional topics to cover are still very welcome. We aim to publish the detailed programme in early November 2011.

Outline conference programme and registration form

This is now available to download here (PDF 384KB).

Full programme

The full programme (PDF 419KB) with abstracts of speaker presentations as published in the conference packs is now available.

Conference proceedings

Conference proceedings for this conference are now being uploaded here. You can find proceedings of previous conferences here.

Conference fees

Please see the outline conference programme and registration form for details. Please note the extended deadline of 23rd December for reduced ‘early bird’ fees has now passed. Normal rate bookings are still being taken.

Additional financial support for producers

We have kept costs as low as possible for producers, students and IOTA members. Thanks to generous sponsorship from the Organic Growers Alliance and Abbey Home Farm, Cirencester, support has also been available for a limited number of grower apprentices and young farmers.

The OGA grants have been made available to Soil Association horticultural apprentices and are now fully allocated.

The Abbey Home Farm grants will be administered by ORC at the time of registration. Three young farmers will be supported with 50% grants towards their conference fees based on the early bird producer/student rate. Priority will be given to agricultural students on a work experience year on an organic farm and to young farmers aged under 30 setting up a new organic enterprise. Please contact Roger Hitchings with a brief statement (200-300 words) setting out why you think you are eligible.

Conference venue and acommodation

Aston University Business School, Birmingham, offers first rate conference facilities and high quality accommodation. For further details, see: www.conferenceaston.co.uk.

Why not bring your partner to the conference, for a small additional fee, and they can enjoy the varied facilities that Birmingham has to offer. For further details, see: www.conferenceaston.co.uk/Content.aspx?PageID=1678.


The venue is in central Birmingham, easily accessed by public transport and less than 15 minutes walk from Birmingham New Street station. For further details see: www.conferenceaston.co.uk/Content.aspx?PageID=1695.

Car parking

Car parking is available on site at a cost. To qualify for the discounted rate for conference participants of £3.50 per day, you must pre-book directly with the venue. Please see the guidelines (.DOC 43KB) for further details.

Sponsored by:

The ORC’s Organic Producer Conference is organised with the active support of:


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