10th Organic Producers’ Conference

Event Date : January 27, 2016

to 28 January 2016

Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice

The 10th Organic Producers’ Conference will be held at the Novotel Bristol City Centre, Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HY. This year we are holding our conference in tandem with the SOLID organic dairy conference at the same venue on 26 January to maximise the opportunities for participants to attend both events, with a total of 3 days of exciting presentations, debates and exhibitions.

ORC’s annual Organic Producers’ Conference is the event where organic and other producers interested in ecological approaches to sustainable food production come together with researchers and advisers to share ideas on making agriculture perform better, for their businesses and society.

This year we will focus on what we have in common as organic, biodynamic, permaculture, agroecology and food sovereignty movements and how we can communicate our shared values to deliver better food, farming and health.

As usual we have a range of practical technical sessions, on the themes of; new entrants/converters, arable, horticulture, grassland, and food policy/sovereignty.


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Download the 4-page conference programme (140kb PDF file) or the full conference programme with abstracts (1.97mb pdf file)

For more information about the conference programme contact Phil Sumption.

Read biographies of speakers and chairs


Booking is now closed.


Accommodation is not included but can be booked direct with Novotel Bristol City Centre. Many other options including budget accommodation are available in the vicinity of the conference venue in the city centre. See Map showing venue and hotels

Download flyer for the 2 events here

Would you be interested in exhibiting at or sponsoring the event?

ORC’s annual Organic Producers’ Conference is a well-established event with 200+ attendees, providing a unique mix of producer, researcher and adviser input to enable sharing and discussion of the latest innovations with respect to organic/agroecological approaches to sustainable food production. If you are interested in sponsoring the event please see the different levels of sponsorship here. However, we are now out of trade stand space (though exceptions might be made for generous conference sponsors!)

Proceedings of this conference will be uploaded here, soon after the conference.


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