Elm Farm Research Centre response to DEFRA consultation


Elm Farm Research Centre (EFRC) is an international research, advisory and education organisation based in Berkshire. The business of EFRC is to develop and support sustainable land-use, agriculture and food systems. This is primarily within local economies which build on organic principles to ensure the health and well-being of soil, plant, animal, man and his environment.

During and after the tragic period of the UK’s 2001 FMD epidemic, EFRC invested much research time and effort in leading calls for a judicial review of the Government’s slaughter only policy. The aim then was not to embarrass the Government or to score political points but to encourage advisers, civil servants and politicians to consider seriously the merits of vaccination.

Our response to this DEFRA call for consultation on the detailed implementation of foot and mouth disease control legislation is underpinned by our continuing commitment to preventive vaccination without subsequent slaughter for future UK FMD outbreaks

Posted in News and events, Research