2nd Climate-smart and resilient farming webinar: let’s talk about Resilience in Agricultural Landscapes!

Event Date : November 10, 2021

Event Time : 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

On 10th of November 2021 the three research projects funded under the EU Horizon 2020 call on climate-smart and resilient farming (LC-SFS-19-2018-2019): MIXED, STARGATE, and AGROMIX will meet again to discuss about Resilience in Agricultural Landscapes.

The agenda (Times are CET) includes:

14:00 Welcome and Introductions from AGROMIX Coordinator

14:05 Keynotes:

– “Crop and Livestock Insurance as an Enabler of Agricultural Resilience: The role of Earth Observation and Early Warning Systems” – Presenters: Anne Gobin (VITO & KU Leuven), Emmanuel Lekakis (AGROAPPS); STARGATE

– “Measuring resilience; a dialogue about two (very different) methods”- Presenters: Miranda Meuwissen (WU), Pip Nicholas-Davies (ABER); MIXED

– “Dark Resilience – how to overthrow systems and why agroecological principles matter?” – Presenters: Ulrich Schmutz (CU), Jessica Donham (Agroecology for Europe): AGROMIX

14:35 Tea/Coffee break

14:45 Panel sessions:

Climate Adaptation through the Use of Intelligent Geospatial Services – Session chaired by STARGATE

Assessing resilience through statistics and qualitative approaches – Session chaired by MIXED

Agroecological principles for resilient farming – Session chaired by AGROMIX

15:30 Reporting from panel sessions

16:00 Roundup and Close

This event is not limited to the partners of 3 projects, so the invitation can be circulated to networks and contacts outside of the projects.


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