The Dean Organic Fund

Interest free loans for 2 to 5 years for organic or ecological farmers, producers and food businesses

The Dean Organic Fund was formed in 2011 following a private bequest of over £500,000, made by passionate organic farmer Jennie Bone. Jennie’s vision was for her legacy to be invested in conservation and the charitable objectives initiated by the Dean Organic Trust through furthering organic farming methods and organic principles. Since its formation, the Dean Organic Fund has sought out and made loans to support existing or start-up farming businesses, following organic principles in the UK.

Trevelyan Farm Organics, a DOF beneficiary

What is the Dean Organic Fund?

Today, the legacy provides for ongoing financial support via bespoke interest free and unsecured loans; ranging from £5,000 to £25,000. The Fund has been managed by The Organic Research Centre since 2018, with nearly 50 farmers, producers and food businesses receiving support since that time.

The Dean Organic Fund lends to farmers, producers and food businesses on an unsecured, and interest free basis; for the purposes of financing transformative investment in equipment, innovation, stock or other forms of working capital (excluding property or land).

Dean Organic Fund rolling loan programme

We are closed for applications at present. In the meantime, if you have questions or would like to be notified, when we reopen, please feel free to contact us via the enquiry form below.

Orchard Organic Farm, a DOF beneficiary

Our loans are unsecured, but we do take into account former loans or existing debt as part of a competitive application process. Loan repayment terms are negotiable, with a maximum repayment period of up to 5 years. Applicants can include private or public companies, sole traders or small farmers, partnerships, and community/social or charitable enterprises with a legal entity. Our intention is to support businesses that might face challenges in securing commercial finance. Applicants will preferably be certified organic producers or in conversion but otherwise should follow practices closely aligned to organic principles.

To date, a wide range of businesses have been supported, from small-scale dairy and arable farms to Scottish crofts self-processing meat and market gardeners growing vegetables for the local community. Other borrowers have used funds to develop farm shops, micro-dairy production, vineyard management equipment, and organic chicken production systems.

Loan applications are assessed by the Dean Organic Fund Committee according to set criteria. The Committee aims to determine loan applications within two months of receipt of complete information and reserves the right to full discretion in accepting, refusing, or requesting further information in each case.

How the Dean Organic Fund helped me

Case Studies

Previous Dean Organic Fund borrowers

Who has the Dean Organic Fund helped!

Find out who has benefitted from the Dean Organic Fund. See a map of their locations.

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