Derogations on young poultry and protein feed to continue
Derogations for non-organic pullets and 5% non-organic feed extended to 31 December 2017
Pea and bean crop - nitrogen fixation assessment
Free service offered to UK growers
Evidence for the biodiversity benefits of organic farming
New meta-analysis published
No-till: limited potential for climate change mitigation
The role of no-till agriculture in climate change mitigation may be over-stated
The energy efficiency of organic agriculture
ORC-led review confirms that most organic crop and livestock systems are more energy-efficient than conventional
Presentations from OrganicDataNetwork
2nd European Workshop of the OrganicDataNetwork in Bari
Regenerative Agriculture Courses
Holistic Management Farming & Grazing / Fertility Farming
New report on trends in organic farm incomes
Long term trends in the financial performance of organic farms in England and Wales, 2006/07-2011/12
ORC’s English Organic Producer Survey Report released
English organic producers are worried about costs but plan to keep going
Biogreenhouse training school
Soil fertility, Suppressiveness & Water management strategies towards sustainable and productive organic greenhouse agriculture
Earthworms – Architects of fertile soils
Promotion of earthworms for soil fertility – new technical guide
NATURE highlights farmer-led research
Research designed by and for farmers as crucial to the success of farming
Survey on young farmers' needs
EC study on the needs of young farmers -deadline 12th May
Focus Groups on Organic Farming and Protein Crops report
Inspiration to diminish yield gaps in organic farming
Agroforestry in Scotland: Farmers' questionnaire
Researching the barriers to Agroforestry in Scotland
SOLIBAM final congress
Diversity strategies for organic and low input agricultures and their food systems
COBRA in Colombia
Henry Creissen reports on the British Council’s Researcher Links Initiative
Legumes in fertility-building leys
Large birdsfoot trefoil, Meadow Pea and White Sweetclover profiled